Monday, July 18, 2011

Custom Business Content Depends On Keyword Research

Grab the bull by the horns with your Keyword Research
If you have a website for your business, then you should think about conducting keyword research on a regular basis to ensure that you are using the best keywords to draw in website traffic. Using keyword research effectively will help your website be ranked higher with Google and other search engines, putting you on the first few pages of search results, if not the first page. The higher your website ranks, the better chances you have of increased traffic.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Content For Hire: Who Should You Choose For Your Business' Custom Content

Where do you get "quality content?"
It's difficult, I know. Type in the words "affordable content writer" or "professional content writing services" into Google, and the page blazes like the bathroom after a two-day vacation in Tijuana with only table water to drink. Top links, sponsored links, "affordable", "cheap" "the best"…they all call out to you. Well, that's what you're looking for right? So how do you choose? And, which ones are really "professional" and not "well, I have a website" or "affordable" and not "low quality".

Monday, July 4, 2011

Blog Post Layout: Creating Searchable Website Content (Part 2)

A lot of people who don't understand the way web crawlers work to determine what a website or page is about will cram or stuff keywords all throughout a post or site and think that's gonna' do the job. 
But that isn't the real error. The real error is that they should know how human operate (themselves being amongst the human race) and what it would look like to the reader to see a keyword used 12 times inside of a 200 word blog post or article.  Welcome to the second installment of this series!